Hi there,

Thanks for checking this blog post out. In this blog I shared resources on AWS security checklist expected of a cloud security engineer and other interesting resources related to cloud security.

Just incase you haven’t check out my previous blog post on “**Practical Steps to Starting a Career in Cloud Security — 2024 (RoadMap)”,** feel free to check that out.


This information is shared for educational and knowledge-sharing purposes regarding AWS resources. The content is sourced from various references, with all rights and credits reserved for the respective owners.

The rapid adoption of cloud computing for software and application development has surged over the years, driven by the need for scalability, flexibility, and efficiency. Among the top cloud service providers (CSPs), Amazon Web Services (AWS) has emerged as a dominant force, standing out alongside Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). AWS's extensive range of services and robust infrastructure have positioned it as a leader in the cloud market, attracting businesses of all sizes. From startups to large enterprises, organizations are leveraging AWS for its reliable computing power, scalable storage solutions, and advanced capabilities in machine learning and artificial intelligence. This widespread adoption underscores AWS's critical role in transforming how businesses operate in the digital age. - **AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF).**

It's your responsibility as cloud security engineers, whether working individually or as part of a team, to continuously adhere to AWS security best practices and conduct regular reviews to safeguard cloud configurations and applications from potential cloud threats. By proactively managing cloud security, you enable your organization to stay ahead of threat actors and protect data and applications from potential breaches, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

This proactive approach strengthens an organization's security posture in the AWS cloud environment. Regular security audits, threat assessments, and keeping up with the latest security trends and AWS updates are crucial for maintaining robust cloud security.


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AWS Security Checklist For Beginners

New to AWS security, here are few security check list to note and configure:

Security Disclaimer: AWS root account should not be used for regular activities. This account has unrestricted access to your AWS environment, making it highly sensitive.

On ROOT Account